Thursday, March 15, 2007

I finally finished the pattern for my Simple Bow Hat. Click here for the PDF file. Let me know if the link doesn't work. Now I just need to figure out how to add it to the sidebar. Why is Blogger so complicated!?

I changed my blog and now I have added the pattern link on the side bar! Yippee! Thanks to Lu at KH for the help! Thanks to Vendie for the help also with the blog ring link.


Luciana DeVito said...

Thanks SO much for this! You're wonderful and amazing!


Meredith said...

Very cute!

Renna said...

The hat is adorable and I can't wait to make it for my grandd's. Thank you SO much for sharing the pattern! :-)

Pani Thuly said...

I love this hat. It is so cute. I will try this some day soon!! Hmm if only I can find the perfect yarn :))

A Lovely Thing said...

Thank you for the free pattern!

It's going to the top of my "quick" to make list. It is quick isn't it ;)

BTW, the link on the side bar worked. The link inside your post did not.

Shandeh said...

Jan, the pattern link doesn't work for me! :(

rainberry said...

The hat is so cute!!

MommaG said...

Jan thank you sooooo much for the pattern it is a breeze to do and my daughter looks so cute in your design.

I'm Michelle! said...

Jan, its easy to add a side bar. From your dashboard (main blogger page when you first sign on) select Template" from there you can edit the header, posts and add page elements. When you click on "Add Page Element" it will give you a whole bunch of choices such as "poll, lists, link list, text, HTML/Java scrip, labels, etc" LMK if you have any problems.